Questiny’s New Radio Lab Commissioned

/ January 16th, 2014 / Comments Off on Questiny’s New Radio Lab Commissioned

Over the past year Questiny has been compiling a set of equipment to allow us to develop a basic radio lab development and test capability.  Through many hours on eBay, we have constructed the following.  The top-end frequency is limited to about 3 GHz, but it is a start, and can be expanded when needs arise.  Our budget was about $25K which is new the low-end for a single new piece of Agilent equipment.  Through careful purchasing, all of the equipment was purchased within the budgeted amount.  We can now do basic design testing of analog radios, and through the use of the software defined radios, we can do testing of digital communications was well.

Radio Lab

With this capability, Questiny can now start to prototype some of our ideas related to our wireless communications ideas.  Stay tuned.

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